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Caring Pet Services for Your Furry Friend in Layton, UT

At Pet Pals Place, we aren’t your typical boarding and daycare service. With us, your dog won’t be required to sit in a kennel alone for hours. Instead, we encourage socialization and communal boarding for your dog’s optimal social development. This means your dog will get the opportunity to play and have fun with other dogs in both indoor and outdoor environments. But don’t worry! Your pet will get some alone time at night, as all dogs are placed in a kennel where they can rest uninterrupted by their new furry friends. In addition to our boarding services, we also offer any other pet services at our facility in Layton, UT.

happy dog

We Provide Attentive Dog Care Services

Pet Pals Place is here to provide for all of your pet services. While boarding is often our most popular service, we offer many other types of pet care. No matter which service your dog is receiving, you can rest assured knowing they are in the hands of true professionals with years of experience. We treat your pets as if they were our own, so you can feel confident dropping them off at our location in Layton, UT.


Preparing for Your Dog’s Service

There are a few things to be done to help you prepare for your pet’s visit to our facility. No matter which service they are receiving, we ask that you fill out our dog information form. We will provide this form to you either via email or in person when you make an appointment for your pet. We ask that you please bring this form along with you on the day of your appointment or email it back to us beforehand. It’s also important that you obtain a copy of your dog’s vaccination records to bring to this appointment. We require all pets at our facility to be up to date on all shots to ensure the safety of all dogs in our care. Contact us today if you have any questions about our pet services.

Layton’s Best in Dog
Grooming & Boarding